Product Lead at Data4Life for the Robert Koch Institute.


A data platform for AI-readiness

The metadata exchange platform, in short MEx, is the first joint public health project between Hasso Plattner Foundation and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), and is also one of the numerous measures to implement the German government's Open Data and AI strategy. The initiative aims to build the foundation for research using artificial intelligence. 


Metadata as a basis for reusing research data

At RKI, data for health research is distributed across multiple storage locations and difficult to find. MEx provides a central and comprehensive overview of existing research activities within the RKI based on their metadata. This metadata contains structured information on titles, descriptions, and research areas of projects, but also technical information on the type of data collection, file formats, and technical documentation. Through the approach of cataloging metadata, even research data that cannot easily be shared publicly is made transparent and findable. As a result, this data can be specifically requested and used for cooperative research.

Building the foundation for research using Artificial Intelligence

Data4Life and the RKI promote a change in thinking within the research community by implementing the MEx project. The platform primarily aims to provide scientists who perform secondary data analysis with a digital and transparent solution for everyday research. The broad database serves as a foundation for research using artificial intelligence.

All transparency resulting from MEx marks a key step towards realizing the full potential of a continuously growing data pool, facilitating secondary research, and fostering developments in the field of artificial intelligence.



datasets in the first release


achieved success metrics
